My Non-Negotiables

I first heard the phrase non-negotiables at a yoga retreat.  It reminded me of a business term and was interested in what it had to do with yoga.  The teacher explained that if we don’t honor our body by listening to it each day we can get into trouble.  We can get grumpy, can’t sleep and worse get sick. 

Our assignment was to list 5 things we couldn’t live without each day.  Bare bones.  As in physically.  She mentioned things as basic as drinking water and eating nutritious food.  Maybe movement would be on our list or singing. Here’s mine:

  • Water

  • Eating nutritious food

  • Quiet time (reading, zoning out and no device)

  • 8-10 hours of sleep each night

  • Movement

And on a perfect day I’d also get sunshine on my face and spend time with family and friends. 

If you struggle with every one of these every day, you are not alone.  If I’m lucky I get two of them right a day, some days more.  But the older I get the more I realize how important they are.  For instance, if you struggle with drinking enough water try different water bottles or adding yummy things like lemon to make it taste better.

What are your non-negotiables?  

What  helps you move through the day with more ease?  

I’d love to know what yours are.


If you ever feel buried under your schedule, have too many things going on or just feel overwhelmed, I’d love to talk to you.  Book a call here and let’s powwow about how I can help you feel more grounded and mindful in your day to day.