Back to School Tips

And just like that school is back in session in my house.  I officially have a high schooler now and felt all the feels after drop off on the first day.  It’s still summer outside but I’m looking forward to the cooler weather and maybe even all the things that come with fall.  Not quite ready for Christmas like they had in the displays at Costco last week though.  How is that even possible??

I was thinking about a few things I could remind myself to do to get back into the swing of the school year and here they are:

Are there things that you are doing that you could delegate to someone else?  For me, I’m asking my son to step up and do more things around the house.  I’m making sure I don’t need to remind him to do the basics like making his lunch, doing his laundry and of course putting it away.   Maybe for you it's to get someone to clean your house on a regular basis.  Or asking your partner to make dinner once a week.  I invite you to think about the things that might make your life easier and free up more space for you.

I’m making sure I spend a bit of time on Sunday evenings to be proactive and look ahead at the week.  I highly recommend even 15 minutes to look at your calendar and see the overview of the week ahead.  Where you may have openings that you can fill in with things that fill your cup like going to yoga, taking a walk or spending time with a loved one.

What are you doing to enjoy the last bit of summer before the fall is here?