Fall is just around the corner

Can you feel the days getting shorter? I know I do.  I’m an early riser and have noticed the sunrise has been gradually getting later and later.  Today it was at 6:39 am and the sun will set at 7:11 here in Santa Barbara.  And tomorrow the sunrise will be 6:40. On as many days as I can, I greet the sun by jumping in the ocean.  This is the warmest time of year in the Pacific and I savor it.  I can always tell when the ocean is warm that fall is just around the corner.

I wanted to let you know that I’m hosting a free webinar over zoom on Wednesday October 18 at noon pst.  It’s called Simple Ways to Feel More Organized Now. It will help you  feel more organized right where you are in this moment.  Whether you’re a business owner, busy mom or just someone who wants to feel more centered and grounded, this talk is for you.

I’ll give you practical strategies for creating a life that is more aligned with who you really are.  Someone who embodies strong time management, work life balance and good organizational skills.  I’ll give you tips for streamlining your day and finding extra time for you.

Click on the link to sign up and mark your calendar for Wednesday October 18 at noon pst for my free webinar.


Come join me!