When is the Last Time You Really Played?


Over Labor Day Weekend, I found myself pondering the importance of play.  As adults, we tend to forget how to play.  Really play.  Losing ourselves completely to fun.  Laughing so hard we are snorting. I had to stop and wonder, when was the last time I really played?

My 11 year old son, Asher reminds me to play.  Mom, “play with me” he says.  Surf with me.  Play Uno with me.  Skateboard with me.  I sleep better and feel better when I do.  

Kira Malone of Mama Manifest says,  

“Play is our direct link to joy and happiness.  It helps us access our creativity and enter into a flow state.  This flow state brings prosperity and is the gateway for manifestation”.

At work, play can help speed up learning, enhance creativity, and increase job satisfaction.  At home, play can enhance bonding and communication.  While I’m working, I try to get up and move on the days I’m sitting at my computer.  I put on my favorite music and take a ten minute dance break.  I’ve even been known to jump rope for five minutes, just to get my blood flowing.  And I feel like a kid again.

I challenge you to incorporate play into your day.  See how it feels.  I’d love to hear about how it goes and what you do for fun.  And if you are having trouble fitting it in, give me a call. I’d love to help you find more time to play.